
What are D-Groups?

Sherman Bible D-Groups are small gatherings of 10 people (on average) that meet together once a week in homes across the area to study the Bible, remember the gospel, pray for each other and practice hospitality. D-Groups offer a non-threatening environment to get more connected to the church and grow in your relationship with Christ.


Why D-Groups?

Our purpose as a church body flows from the whole of scripture – we exist to glorify God by making disciples of Jesus Christ through gospel-centered teaching, gospel-centered worship, gospel-centered community and gospel-centered mission. As you can see in our purpose statement, living in community with one another that is centered around Jesus and His finished work is a big deal to us, because it is a big deal to God. When Jesus saves a sinner, He not only brings them into a relationship with Him, but He also brings them into a relationship with the church. D-Groups provide a smaller context for gospel-centered community to take place.

How Do I Sign Up?

To sign up for a group, please fill out the form below and a staff member will be in touch with you to help you get connected to a group that works with your schedule.

"*" indicates required fields

Days That Work Best*
Group Preference*
Will You Need Childcare?
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Get Connected

Feel free to utilize the "Contact Us" form so that we can answer any questions you may have about Sherman Bible Church.


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