Important Security and Safety Notice
All children's team members are covenant members of Sherman Bible Church. Your child’s safety is of highest priority. The following protocols and procedures ensure every person around your child has the character and competence to serve:
- A staff team assesses Serve Applications of each prospective team member
- Background checks and references must clear approval
- All approved team members undergo Sexual Abuse Awareness by Ministry Safe
- Consistent ratios of team member to child are in place based on ages of children
- Multiple security cameras are in every area and room
- Live screens of every classroom are in the foyer
- At check-in parents use kiosks to print matching security tags for child and parent
- Pagers are available to parents of infants and preschoolers
- At release every tag is matched to ensure the child is released safely to parents
- A child may not re-enter the children’s area without a printed security tag
- No one is allowed in the children’s area without a security tag or team escort
- Do not bring a child with fever or illness
- Entrances and exits are secured while children are in children’s areas
- No adult is alone with a child! If a young child needs assistance with clothing in the restroom, an adult has a foot holding the door open or a helper is present
- A police officer is stationed near the check-in area and a security team is nearby

Powerhouse Kids’ Ministry
Programming intentionally geared for the ages of children from birth through 4th grade is available during all three services - 8:00AM, 9:30AM and 11:00AM. Our children’s ministry is designed to bring glory to God by making disciples of Jesus Christ through gospel-centered teaching, gospel-centered worship, gospel-centered community and gospel-centered mission.
Because the scripture is clear that parents are the primary disciple-makers in the lives of their children, our hope is to partner with parents in their pursuit of this purpose and come alongside them in the discipleship process. We do this in many ways, but especially through the various resources that we create. These resources help build a strong, gospel-centered foundation for their children.
“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6).

Nursery (Birth up to 24 months)
The nursery staff gives your little ones the utmost love and care in a safe and nurturing environment. Parents can enjoy uninterrupted worship, knowing with confidence that their children are happy and content. We believe that even a young toddler can learn the basics of the gospel in these biblical truths:
- God loves me in Christ.
- The Bible is God’s Word.
- I can sing and pray to God because of what Christ has accomplished.
We maintain a high adult to child ratio so that children can have as much attention and interaction as possible.

Preschool (2-5 Years Old)
Our preschool staff create the early building blocks for a strong, gospel-centered foundation for your children. Your preschooler will enjoy a fun-filled time of high energy songs and motions and learn God’s Word through creative storytellers and media. To prepare preschoolers for elementary, we focus on three foundational truths:
- The most important book ever written is the Bible.
- The Bible is God's Word to man and it is 100% true.
- The whole Bible is about Jesus.

Elementary (Kindergarten – 4th Grade)
Elementary continues to build a strong, gospel-centered foundation for children. We teach the nature and character of God and how children can know Jesus as their Savior and have a personal relationship with Him. Before heading to middle school, we want children to know these truths:
- We are saved by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, according to scripture alone, for God’s glory alone.
- Jesus died on the cross in our place to pay for our sins, rose from the dead, and offers eternal life for all who truly believe and trust in Him.
- Reading God’s word regularly is essential in knowing who God is and how He wants us to live for His glory.

We partner with parents in the discipleship of their children by creating exciting environments and resources that center on the gospel of Jesus Christ. Children worship God through a high-energy, student-led worship experience and interactive, creative and child-relevant Bible teaching. Children also make relational connections in small groups by grade and gender. A caring leader facilitates to reinforce the day’s lesson and prays with the children.
Get Connected
Feel free to utilize the "Contact Us" form so that we can answer any questions you may have about Sherman Bible Church.
- 2515 W. Lamberth Rd. Sherman, TX 75092
- 903-893-7795